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11/29/07 I'm sitting in the Albany airport now, about to fly back to LA. I just did 2 college shows up here. They were fine...well, today's was interesting. I performed in a cafeteria at noon; always a pleasent experience. To be honest, the crowd was alright for the most part, but I found myself jumping completely off of my set list and just going all over the place. I just wanted to keep them engaged so when I felt that I was losing them with one joke (or when someone yelled something), I'd switch gears to another bit or I'd just do crowd work. Well one girl in the crowd actually yelled, "you're not funny", seriously. And I'm not saying "seriously" as in: "Is she crazy?? Of course I'm funny!" It's more like: "You're actually going to heckle me and open the gates for me to rip you apart and get a great crowd reaction?? OK!" And I did. To be honest, I hate slamming people like that. I'd rather the audience just enjoy my show and if you're not enjoying it, leave. Period. I came to grips long ago that my act isn't for everyone; no comic's act is. So if you don't think I'm funny, just leave, no harm/no foul. But why be an asshole and yell that? You obviously have your own issues. OK, we're boarding, gotta go.
11/26/07 Well, in case you didn't get my emails...SKIPPY IS IN THE FINAL 5!!! It's really, really cool. Thanks to all of you who voted. So I...er, I mean Skippy, is being flow to Austin in a week to do the final show. Last night I did 2 shows as Skippy and they went really well. I'm happy with the set I put together. I decided not to do the prosthetics though. I had done Skippy so many times without make up and it was fine, so to save on time and money, I am just doing it normally. Although I might do some painted on make up...actually use my theater degree for something. :) OK, I'm watching a rerun of "Magics Greatest Secrets Finally Revealed"...are they shitting me!? Right now they're showing the "masked magician" spending a week in a block of ice. First of all, do they (and by they, I mean whoever put this show together) really think we believe that this magician spent a week in this ice??? No! They set up the trick and then taped him for a little while in the ice. There's no way they'd take a week to have this guy in the ice only to show us how he did it. Yet the narrator (who's voice and snide comments are really annoying) keeps saying, "it's now day 4, and he's getting tired". Bullshit...Ooo, now they're showing us how they did it...they're trying to make all this tension, fucking stop that...I'm sure it's an illusion, but don't try and make us think that this guy actually did this. Oy. OK, so now they're saying that there are body doubles. Come the fuck on. Really? Does David Blaine have an identical twin? Are they seriously shitting us??? The most entertaining thing about this show is the S & M/Mexican wrestler mask he wears. Ooo, Heroes is on! Gotta go.
11/20/07 So I'm still resting a bit. I hate feeling sick but I kinda like the idea of relaxing for a reason. I mean if I was just sitting around my apartment doing nothing and feeling fine, well that's lazy. But doing nothing and feeling sick, that's lazy for a reason. So what to talk about? Well, Skippy is (as of now) number 5 in the famecast.com contest. Yesterday he was 4, so that's not good; he's slipping. I mean if he can stay #5, he still wins, but I don't like being on the cusp with 3 1/2 more days to go. So keep voing everyone. And by the way, the fact that I refer to Skippy in the third person shouldn't worry anyone. I'm not schitzo or anything, I just think it's easier to refer to Skippy as another person rather than to keep saying "Skippy...aka, me" all the time. OK, I'm going to take a shower and get myself in gear. Later.
11/15/07 It's always weird leaving my old home; especially when I've been here for a little while. I get comfortable here again with my family and friends. But life back west beckons me...and besides, I'll be back here in a month to work at the Improv. :) So what else to report? Well...remember that "situation" that I was blogging about at the end of October? Well, I've been dealing with it in my own way. I've honestly tried not to think about it, but being somewhat of a sadist, I have gone to their myspace pages from time to time. Well today I went to one of them and, low and behold, I'm no longer their friend. (gasp!) They have deleted me as a friend. Isn't that mature? And, I will admit, this person did fall from my top 10 friends, but not the top completely...and certainly not off my list overall. And yes, I'm aware that just doing that is very immature and high-schoolish, but fuck'em, I was hurt. But for them to be that selfish. They probably can't figure out why I'm not over it and "Ok" with it by now. I mean I'm pretty sure that this person saw I bumped them down and was pissed about that. (insert sarcastic tone here) Imagine, they turn out to lie and betray me, and since I'm (so selfishly) holding a grudge, they're mad. "Oh get over it Flip! So we kept you in the dark and hurt you. It's been almost three weeks already; move on!" Fuckers! And the really shitty part is that we were once great friends. I'm just shocked and amazed that when you put your trust into someone so deeply, and thiers into you, you can still be hurt and betrayed. Fuuuuuck. And, on a slightly lesser note, they still owe me money. That's going to be a nice conversation....I'll keep you posted. Annnyway, on a completely different note, SKIPPY IS IN LAST PLACE!!! Please people, please...vote for Skippy everday. I know a lot of you have, and I really appreciate it. But now I need every single person to jump on that bandwagon...please vote. I'm sure you know the drill by now, but just in case:
1: Go to www.famecast.com
Well my friends, I'm off to bed. Then tomorrow I'm off to LA again. I swear, I'm getting tired of moving around. I feel like an army brat...only I'm not a brat and I don't have the balls to fight in the army. So now that I think about it, it's nothing like being an army brat. Man, I sound like I should be stoned...Ooo, idea! Bye!!!
11/14/07 Well, first and foremost, thank you to everyone who sent me birthday wishes; it really means so much. Seriously. I had a really fun time for the big day. It started the night before when I went to see Doug Stanhope down in Ft. Lauderdale. Well long story short, Doug asked if I'd want to open the show, I said sure. Keep in mind though that this was not a comedy club, but a bar. I was worried but in the end I did really well; better than I thought. Doug, not surprising, was brilliant as usual. And that brought in my birthday. After that I spent time with my cousins and then had a nice family party the next day. It really was fun. I go back to LA on Friday, looking forward to that. Like I said before, after sleeping in eight different beds in one month, it'll be nice to be back in my own. OH, thank you to everyone who voted for Skippy!!! He is now in the Top 10. But, he needs to be in the Top 5, and as of now, he's only #9. Pleeeeease vote everyday!!! Please, we can do this Mousekeeters! Alright, I'm quoting The Mickey Mouse Club so I'm tired. Talk to you later.
11/3/07 Anyway...I got an email from the site and it said that I need to put up a kind of "get to know me" video for Skippy. And since I am on the road and "Skippy" is back in LA; well I had to improvise. Anyway, here it is:
Not bad for last minute and no video camera...I used my digital camera. Anyway...you know I was thinking about something; since I left LA this last time, I have slept in 7 different beds. Fucking seven! Not to mention the bed at my parents house when I go home in two days. So on a three week trip, I'll have slept in eight different beds. That is my life, just a series of strange beds. Strange beds, hotel rooms, people...everything. Oh, speaking of people, a BIG thank you to the great people in Asheville at the University of North Carolina. They were such a great crowd; really one of the best times I've had on stage in awhile. Oh, and I wrote a new joke regarding my present situation. That's the great thing about being a comic, even when there's pain, creativity can come out of it. I'm trying not to let this situation keep getting to me, but a little bit of it reered it's ugly head again today and it just got me so mad. But I'm trying not to dwell on it; especially because I know I'm in the right. I just have a bad habit of replaying certain things in my head over and over. My god, I'm all kinds of fucked up...but again, so is everyone else. :) OK, onto the big news, my birthday is in a week...what'd you get me? It's ok...all I want is for you guys to start voting for Skippy on the 9th.
![]() I know, always a plugger. What can I say, I'm a persistant bucko. Well Tombstone is on so I'm off...night.
11/1/07 So, as for my situation that I've been going through, I'll be honest, it still stings. I'm not as bad as I was when it happened, but I think now the dust is starting to settle a bit. Now, this doesn't mean that I'm alright with everything, what it means is that I'm alright with the decision I've made regarding the situation. I don't think I'll ever be alright with the situation. But those involved only have themselves to blame. It's a conforting feeling to be content with a decision, isn't it? For me it's a nice feeling to (for once) put my feelings ahead of other peoples. See, that's one of my downfalls. I hate conflict; not that people love it. Although I know some people who do thrive on it, they get a rush from an argument. Actually I can understand that, but on the whole, I'll just keep my mouth shut and agree with someone rather than fight. I've always had this thing where I needed to be liked by everyone. But now I find it more fulfilling to just speak my mind and if you disagree, fine. If you want to argue and fight, I'd rather not, but I will. My point is that in this situation, I had kinda kept my mouth shut about certain things, not all things, but some. And if there was ever a moment where I disagreed with this person, I would just keep my mouth shut to avoid conflict or pain. Now...now I don't give a shit. Fuck'em. So, back to the original thought, I'm very happy in my decision. And I'm sure that one or both of the other people involved are reading this, so let me just say that I'm still hurt and pissed, and probably will be for awhile. OK, on to more happier things. I'm still with my friends but I leave tomorrow for Asheville and my show at the University of North Carolina. Then to Winston-Salem at the North Carolina School of the Arts. Then I go to Florida for my show at Miami-Dade and then I get to hang with my family and celebrate my birthday with them. And if you're in the south Florida area, come on by our house for the party. OK, I'm kidding, but to tell you the truth, I'm sure my mom would love it. "Oh Flip, these are all your friends?? I'm so impressed Mr. Hollywood." ...actually, she never would call me Mr. Hollywood; I'm sure she'd rather call me Dr. Hollywood. Anyway, I've got some work to finish.... OH...please vote for Skippy! You've only got until tomorrow at noon EST.
![]() ...and if you want to send me a birthday gift, only 9 more shopping days. :)