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10/28/07 Good evening everyone, hope you're doing well. First of all, I want to say many thanks to those who have emailed or myspaced me regarding my last blog and my myspace status ("Flip Schultz is feeling pretty f**king betrayed and hurt. - Mood: pissed off"). Again, without getting into too much detail, it sucks and it still sucks. Today I pretty much hung out with my friends and did almost nothing. I was still dwelling on what was on my mind, but that's to be expected. You know when things happen that shock you, you seem to go through so many different emotions and they all happen and change so quickly. It can be dizzying. I just hate feeling this way. I hate having negativity surrounding me; especially when I'm the one who's generating it. I mean it wasn't me that brought it on, but it's me that's keeping it going. Then again, I guess it would be kinda creepy to just take some shitty news and say "oh well", and not show any emotion. That's what serial killers would do. So I'm upset...no, I'm still fucking mad. Don't know when (or even if) I'm going to get over it. Well, that might be drastic. In moments like these, of course, you can't see yourself ever being fine with the situation, but logically I know that I will be fine. Not necessarily with the situation, but fine in general. I just had a weird analogy. When something happens that shakes up the normalcy of your life, it's kind of like a natural disaster hitting a city. It's devasting, and you feel helpless and hopeless. But in time you pick up the pieces and rebuild...only this time, it's not exactly the same. This time the walls will be stronger and bigger. The only difference is that bigger walls are good for a city, bad for a person. Kinda sad but true. Self pity is not fun. LOL. On the positive side, I had some ice cream tonight. Isn't that amazing how ice cream can just lift your spirits? Yay for ice cream!!! Especially Cold Stone! Night guys. And again, thanks. I really appreciate it.
10/27/07 So I am in a really fucked up mood right now people. This is pretty much level 10 shit, but I'll do my best to explain. And yes, it has to do with a lady. Oh god, where to begin...and how to do this delicately. Fuck...there's really no delicate way to put this. How about this: DON'T TRUST WOMEN OR FRIENDS...ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY'RE ONE IN THE SAME. How 'bout that? Does that give you a little insight? Honestly, there's no way to really explain everything. I'm just really pissed/betrayed/hurt/broken/ANGRY...god, I'm just a fucking milkshake of fucked up right now. See, these moments are the moments that make me feel like relationships (both friendship and romantic) are shit and I'm not meant for them. And I'm probably fulfilling some kind of self-sabatoge here, but right at this very moment, I am filled with such rage and bitterness that I can't feel anything else. I really want to vent this, and maybe I should, it's just that on a public forum, sometimes shit comes back to haunt you. And besides, I should be a bigger man and not do that, right? Wrong! OK, I need to write something to clear out my head. ...but, I think I'm going to do that privately. Sorry...just can't do it here. I know, I know, I should be like Chris Crocker and just vent, "Leave Brittany Alone!" I guess I'm not as open on here. But... ...I'll still vent. OK, I won't tell you what happened, but I'll vent like I did, k? Fucking decitful pricks! They lied to me and kept me in dark. That's not right. That's fucked up. I AM DONE! Feel better. :) You know, you'd think by a certain time in your life you'd be past dealing with shitty, petty high school shit. Everyone's always saying, "Honesty, that's all I want." Really? How about giving some back. And what ever happened to being a friend? FUCK!!! OK, I'm going to stop and go to bed. Thank god for sommenex. Night.
10/26/07 So please forgive me. I hope this entry will quench your thrist for Flip. Ewwww. Well, right now I am in a dorm room at Western Carolina University. I'm in the middle of a five city-college tour. I already did Savannah and after today I have a few days off and then there's Asheville, Winston Salem and Miami. Tonight's show was really fun, Jamie just happened to be playing here as well (which I only found out about 2 days ago), so that was a nice surprise. The crowd was really fun. Same for the guys in Savannah. It's a different dynamic to play to college crowds. At first I was a little nervous, but they want to laugh like anyone else. So kudos to you. But like I said, they put me up in an old dorm room. There are some students that stay here too. I swear if I try really hard I can actually smell the hopes and virginity that is left in this room. I'm having fun but am really looking forward to some time off. I mean I only had a little over a week to relax from Europe before I was off on the road again. But this is the year to work and make money so I can stay in LA longer next year and audition. Of course I need an agent, but I'm sure that will come about very soon. OK, professional life done, now to the personal matters. Unfortunately there's nothing new to discuss really. I'll be honest, in romance department, there have been a couple of "things" developing, but as of now, still single. Weird. My birthday is coming up soon and it seems that this part of my life is getting...more...shit, I don't even know how to describe it other than "realer". I swear, I go from contentment and acceptance to resentment and denial so fast. "It's cool, I'm single but I'm sure that I'll find someone when it's meant to be" ...to... "What the fuck is wrong with me!?" Actually, I have been doing some serious soul searching and I've come up with something rather important; I'M FUCKED UP. But then again, so is everyone else. We all have issues and we all have to live with them. But what I've been trying to do is be open about my issues right away to the woman I date. I figure that they're going to find out about them anyway, why not just get it over with now? Let them know that this is who I am and you either accept it or move on. I don't have time. And I want to know all of yours. I mean seriously people, let's just cut through the bullshit and lay the cards out on the table, right? Right. Well, it's late and I've got a long drive tomorrow. Hope you liked this installment of Flip's Blog. Let's just hope it won't be another 2 weeks before I do this again. Night. Oh, by the way, if you have a chance to see Across The Universe in the theaters, GO!!
10/10/07 So I'm in my hotel room in Spokane, Washington; I'm working The Brickwall Comedy Club this week Tonight's show was really fun. It's weird though going from 1200 seat theaters to 250 seat clubs, but at the same time, it's fun to be in an intimate setting again. So what's been going on you ask? Well, it's been great to be back home; sleeping in my own bed, hanging with my friends...watching my porn. But it's really strange to think about Europe and that it was only a week or so ago that I was there. Life seems to have this way of speeding up as you get older....sorry, got side-tracked by an episode of FAMILY GUY. OK, where was I? Oh yeah, life...I forget where I was, damn you FAMILY GUY! Shit, I'm tired. I hate to make this entry so short after such a lack of them, but I feel that anything I type now will be dribble and stupid...much like my act. Hey! Ba-da-bing! I'll talk to you guys later. OH...if you haven't already, follow these instructions: 1-Go to famecast.com 2-Register (if you haven't already), it only takes a minute 3-Go to stage 5 (comedy) 4-Search for Skippy Greene 5-Vote! I really appreciate this and I appreciate all of your support. Voting ends Oct. 12, so hurry! Hopefully I'll get into the next round, and (sad to say), I'll have to ask for your help once again. ;) And please pass this along to your friends. :)