5 Things
You need five things to be happy Tony Robbins?
Why my allergies suck. (Live in Helsinki)
Bad Weather
Finland's depressing weather. (Live in Helsinki)
Barack's New Running Mate
C'mon Obama, be really progressive! (Live in Helsinki)
The Chilean Miners
The movie and endorsements! God help us.
Comfortable Sex
She can never get mad at me for anything!
Fat Albert
Did you ever notice...?
Get Your Duck Sicked
Listen to the "Barack" joke, then listen to this f**k up.
Getting Caught
My dad catching me with my pants down.
Japanese McDonalds
Japan & the future of advertising. (Live in Helsinki)
Jersey Shore
The end of humanity as we know it.
The Joker
Why Heath Ledger was brilliant! (Live in Helsinki)
Mexican's Taking Over
How my Mexican friend will take over the world.
Mexican Astronomy Professor
My beard reminds you of what?
My Parents Love
Over 30 years together and my parents love is strong.
New Flight Attendants
My solution to safer flying.
Pimp My Ride
But what happens after the ride gets pimped?
Sex Magic
Something extra for the guys. (Live in Helsinki)
Simon is a Meanie
All about American Idol's favorite judge.
Swedish TV
It's all Swedish to me... (Live in Gothenburg)
Tiger Woods
A few ideas for Tiger.
Love the movie, hate my car.
True Love
Here's why I love my girl...well, one of the many reasons.
Uncle Flip
My niece is so cute!!!! (Live in Helsinki)
Wedding & Tattoo
The joys of being unmarried & getting a tattoo