11/30/12 So I'm sitting here listening to the soundtrack to Camelot and swimming through some fond memories. I was in a production of the show back in the mid 90's and this music is just taking me back. Here's a pic of me as "Merlyn":
Ah memories. It was such a fun time in my life. I was living at the theatre in Galvaston Island, TX.; it was the first time I was ever on my own for an extended period of time. It was when I really started to embrace my passion of not just comedy, but acting. I made some great friends; a few of whom I'm still close to. But, mostly, like I said, it was just fun. Staying up to dawn rehearsing (we were on an outdoor stage, so we had to wait until dark to do lighting and tech rehersals), drinking heavily without regard for hangovers & getting to peform. Speaking of acting and performing, they released the cover art for the movie I did...you'll notice I'm not on it:
![]() Am I disappointed? Of course. Do I understand why I'm not on the cover? Very much so. First of all, as with the trailer, this movie is being marketed to a young, male audience. Not that you shouldn't watch it even if you're not a young male. But they need to sell it with what is being spoofed specifically. Bane, Abraham Lincoln, The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo, etc. So I get that. secondly, if I was a marketable name and/or face, I'm sure they'd use that to help sell the movie, but, alas, I'm not *(yet) and so, again, they needed to have faces that will sell (or at least peak people's interest). Again, spoofable images. But it's really cool that my lovely co-star Olivia Alexander and my comedy buddy Ben Morrison (not to mention amazing character actor Danny Woodburn) made the cover. Just over a month and the film is released. I can't believe that. So other than getting excited for that, I've just been traveling so hectically lately. Allison and I have been to NY, San Diego & the east coast all within the last few weeks (not to mention my week in Canada) and both of us are ready to collapse. We have a couple of weeks to relax and then it's off to Florida for the holidays and for work. Check the tour page to see if I'm going to be near you. I don't know what else to talk about now. I do a lot of venting and "blog-like" stuff on my podcast so blogging seems a bit redundant. Plus I'm lazy. Getting old sucks. Old? Am I old? I dunno. I feel a little older in my body, but I still look kinda young and (more importantly) I feel young in my soul and mind. I think that maybe the key; stay young in your mind. I'm going to go drink some ensure.
11/3/12 I thought I might hang out with another LA comic who's working here this week, but he's not available...so here I sit...bored as shit...stuck in a pit...of boring shit. That's a poem I just wrote. OK, so it's about 3 hours later. I left for awhile, go some food and did some cardio. I feel good. I feel really pumped for the show....which I have to go to now, so I can't really continue this. Much love to those who have been coming to the shows so far, and much pre-love to those who are coming tonight and tomorrow. Ah, if only everyone could give some pre-love.
11/2/12 I don't know anyone here and a comic friend of mine is in town, but he too is stuck at his hotel which is a good hour away by foot. I guess I could ask someone at the club to take me to a mall or a movie, but I feel like I'm imposing. I dunno, they probably wouldn't mind, but I just hate being at the whim of someone else. Especially since I don't have a cel phone...well one with coverage up here in Canada. So I'm trying to utilize my time by writing, but that isn't going anywhere. I'm not really inspired up here; it's just grey and depressing. Maybe that's another reason I'm feeling down. I do like cold weather, but it would be nice if there was some sunshine to go with the snow. And I still have 2 more days here. Maybe I'll talk to someone at the club tonight and see if they can take me to the movies tomorrow...not "take me" as in a date, but as in a "ride"...and not a "ride" like sex, but as in "a lift"...and not "a lift" as in...nevermind. The shows have been alright. First night there were only 7 people, but we did a show anyway, and they were pretty good. Next show had 15 people...but that was Halloween, so it's kind of understandable. And they were good too. Last night was a nice sized crowd for a Thursday, but the crowd was a little weird. Don't get me wrong, they enjoyed themselves, but weren't really that vocal. It's like every joke was beigng judged individually. Let me explain. Usually when you do a show, the crowd laughs and those laughs act kind of like a wave. Like surfing. You ride those laughs and they just build on each other. sometimes the wave breaks and you have to go out and get that wave again. And most of the time the waves are there to be gotten, ie: the crowd is eager to laugh again. But last night, if they laughed, it was for one joke and it ended as easily as it started. And when I would tell another joke, it might just sit there; no laughs. Even though they just laughed really hard at the joke just before it. It happens, it's nobody's fault; that's just how a crowd is sometimes. Tonight we have two shows, so I'm betting that they'll be fun. I think I'm going to try and hit a bar or something after the shows. Just to socialize a little bit. These are the moments when I wish Ally was here. It's so much fun when I'm on the road and performing with, not only my wife, but my best friend. At least we'd be bored together...and I'd be getting laid. :) I think I'll go down to the gym (by that I mean an empty hotel room with a stair master in it) and waste some time there. Later.
11/1/12 So far I've had two shows with very small (but fun) crowds, but I am keeping in mind that it is Halloween week...actually, yesterday was Halloween. You know what, Ally and I have been together almost 4 years and we haven't spent one Halloween together. And I know it's not a "major holiday" or a birthday or anniversary, or anything like that. But it's still a day where everyone dresses up and goes out to have fun...which is TOTALLY our thing. And we still haven't been able to do it. Well, at least not on Halloween. :) God, I remember when I was a kid and how much I loved Halloween. It was so much fun. I can't wait to have kids of my own to share that experience with them. I'll be honest here, I'm starting to feel that itch to have kids. I know they always talk about women and thier biological clock, but I kinda hear a little ticking myself. And I don't doubt that we will have a family eventually, I just don't want to be too old to really be the kind of father that I want to be. Then again, if it's in me to be a good father, I guess I will be. Well now for a sad change of subject, I am so sorry to everyone in the Northeast who's suffering from the hurricane. I know what it's like to go through them (I'm a Florida guy), but this one is just unreal. I don't think anything like that has ever hit Florida. I mean that thing was a monster. They're actually calling it a "Super Storm"; insane. I have friends and family over there, but from what I've heard, everyone is fine. I wish that could be the case for everyone over there. Ally and I are actually going there in a week because I'm in a comedy competition (and from what I know it's still a go) but I won't lie, I feel like an asshole flying in for a competition when so many people are trying to put their lives back together. It all seems like bad timing. Then again, I'm sure the people out there need some laughs. Sometimes when I feel sorry for myself or stress about my career or money or stupid things like that, I remember how lucky I am that I'm healthy, my wife is healthy, our apartment isn't flooded or without power. Everyday we should all just take stock in what we DO have and be grateful for it. It's weird how priorities change as you get older. Ten years ago all I could think about was being a famous comedian and actor; nothing else mattered. I mean family and friends, of course, but I had always had those in my life. (I know, I'm lucky) But now, I just want to be happy. And "fame" and (my definition of) success all seem to be taking a backseat to what happiness is to me now. I just don't want to look back at my life in another 10-20 years and say, "Fuck, I worried so much about fame that I missed the big picture. Life & experiences & people." Thank Giod I have my Ally. OK, OK, I'm not going to have another "I'm so lucky to have found my girl" kinda blog. Read any past blogs and you will see a lot of the same, mushy dribble. :) ...but I am lucky. So to my brothers and sisters (which you all are) who were in the path of that storm, my thoughts are with you. I can only imagine that surviving something as destructive as that forces you to move on. That's really gotta be the toughest, yet most rewarding thing in the world. Surviving. Knock on wood, I haven't had to overcome something as drastic as that. I have survived my own "storms", but those were pretty much emotional ones. Man, what's worse? And emotional destruction or a physical one? I think emotional. Because physical is only about "things". And things can be replaced or repaired. Emotional, well the honly way to fix that is through an inner reconstruction. And something like that takes a lot of strength. And those people right now, well they are dealing with both. Fuck. I really feel for you guys. Well I hate to end on such a downer, but I have to start getting ready for my show. Stay safe.