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So I'm on a layover in Houston on my way to Ft. Lauderdale, so I thought I'd kill some time writing in my blog. Last night was my character show at the Improv...it was a lot of fun, unfortunately there were only, like, 20 people there. A real shame too because it was so much fun. There were some amazing comics who did their characters including Scott Thompson from "The Kids In The Hall". I was so honored that he did the show, and I thought he was brilliant...so did the rest of the crowd. Ooo, they're about to start to board. Oy, there are babies. OK, better sign off. See ya on the east coast. Oh, and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
Well, I'm now in the aftermath of one of those moments and I wish to God I do redo it. I really do. The moment happened a week ago and I'm still reliving it over and over in my mind. I see myself doing and saying things that were stupid and just completely ...well stupid. The truth of the matter is that I shouldn't have said anything at all. Nothing. But if I had to have said anything, I should've just spoke my mind and not thought about any consequences...when in retrospect, there weren't going to be any consequences. The end was going to be the same despite anything that I may have said. But instead, I'm just rehashing this moment over and over again. Which is stupid in itself. I need to just get over this shit..hm, "this" and "shit" have the exact same letters; weird. I was thinking how the "now" is so interesting. Like there are three basic time moments: 1 - When you're anticipating something, that something is in the "later". 2 - When you're experiencing something right at this moment, that is the "now". 3 - When you're remembering something, that is the "then". Got it? Good. I think so many things are very good in the "now", as in right at this moment. Right now we are all experiencing different things. Right now I'm writing this blog and bitching about my situation, right now you're reading this and maybe relating to it, or you just maybe thinking, "Come on funny boy, get to the comedy here." Like I said, in the now, there are a lot of good moments. A wedding could be a great "now" moment; though years later you might divorce and think about that moment (which is now "then") and not see it as so good. Others might dance at their 50 year anniversary and think of that wedding; that "then" moment, and remember it fondly. Am I losing you yet? Child-birth is another good "now" moment. Sex is probably the perfect example of a situation when all 3 of the situational moments take place one after the other. When you meet someone and you want to have sex with them, that sexual moment is in the "later". Then you get into bed with them and are experiencing the sex, that is totally in the "now". Then when you're done, you think "Holy shit, I just had sex". That memory, or moment, is now in the then. Really though, is there any point in life when you're more aware of yourself and in the moment then sex? I just love it. Anyway, my whole point was that with my situation, I'm still thinking about that "then" moment and wishing I could change it. But I can't, cause it's then. But I'm so waiting for the moment when I could look back at that then situation without any emotion. Basically, I'm thinking about a "later" moment when I'm thinking about a "then" moment...and I'm doing all of this in the "now". And I'm writing all of this sober; fuck'em A! People suck sometimes, don't they? Sometimes I wonder why I let people in when it just seems that they turn out to be liars and fuck-heads. Yes, fuck-head is a real word. Well it's 1:30 AM and I'm rambling, so I think I'm going to call it a night and crash out. ....although I still feel the need to bitch. I guess my situation has so wrapped itself around my thoughts that it's hard to let it go. It's hard to just let it go. Even though I have logically moved on (in other words, I know it's stupid and all for the best) I can't emotionally let go. I just want to vent everything that I'm thinking to this person, but if I do that...well, I'll be in a worse situation. I think this person will, in time, realize what they did was wrong and cruel and feel the way they should feel; like shit. In the meantime, I just need to get over myself and get on with my life. And I am being a bit over-dramatic here; I don't want you to think I've been sulking in my apartment for days in the fetal position just reliving this moment over and over. I haven't. As a matter of fact I was out tonight (with a new buddy of mine, Jacob...who is a brilliant musician) and did karaoke. I actually won a bottle of vodka for rocking it the best....sorry, got sidetracked. Anyway, I'm really doing pretty good with the situation, it's just right now, it's on my mind and this is the moment when I decided to blog. Oh well. OK, now I'm going to bed. Hope you guys are smiling. :) G'night.
11/13/08 And what sucks even more is that I have to drive to Pasadena to do a show tonight. I am trying to keep myself rested so I have the energy to do the show later. And what's even, even more worse is that I'm doing Skippy tonight. Not that I hate doing Skippy (that sounded gross) but my throat is killing me and doing that voice is hard enough when I'm feeling good. OK, change of subject... Much thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes. I really appreciate it. At this point in my life a birthday is just a marker of how many friends I have. In other words, no big parties or anything. Well, I guess a big party every 5 years now. This was not one of those "every 5 year" birthday. Man, my throat is itching like a mofo. Oh, so here's something random. Last night I was at the Improv (shocker) and guess who was at the first show? SNOOP DOGG!! Aww yeah. He is fucking TALL!! I had no idea. I got my picture with him, but it's a bit blurry. I'm going to just say that it was taken in "Maraguana-Vision". :) Alright, I'm going to try and get myself motivated and awake...or would that be awake and motivated. Whatever...
11/6/08 Kidding of course...Obama is the new President. A-FUCKING-MAZING! Republican or Democrat; you can't deny the historic significance of this moment. I know that EVERYONE is saying this over and over, but it still blows my mind that I am living through an incredible moment like this. I think everyone should feel that way. Just my opinion. It's really interesting, I had this same feeling on 9/11. Not the joyous feeling, but the sense that the world has changed forever. That time was for the bad, this time is for the good. Who knows if Obama will make everything good; honestly, I don't think he is going to fix everything. He'll fuck up as every President has (some more than others...cough/BUSH/cough...) but I think just his image and what he represents (change, youth, positivity, optimism) will steer most of the world into a better feeling of the future. Basic optimism. Something about him and this whole moment has just infused the world with a sense of good that really hasn't been felt in a long, long time. On a different note, it's almost 2 AM and I'm lying in my old bedroom in Florida. I need to get to sleep soon because I fly back to LA tomorrow. Luckily it's not an early flight, but I still want to get a good nights sleep. OH...as per my last blog entry of Oct. 2008, I ended up seeing Religulous...and I loved it. I'm not a very religious person, so it's no wonder that I enjoyed it. But if you are and you take your religion very seriously...well, I might skip this one. Madagascar 2 it ain't. So what else...? Well, I got some interesting and exciting news today, but until it's official, I don't want to say anything. But before you ask: No, I'm not in a movie...No, it's not a TV thing...No, I'm not getting married and No, I'm not pregnant. It's just something that is pretty cool. More information to come as I know. Otherwise I'm feeling pretty good for the most part. There is still a personal issue or two that I'm dealing with (yes, it has to do with the blog entry a few weeks ago) but I'm dealing with it in my own time and my own way. To tell you the truth, I've been pretty fine with the situation for a little while now. There's a time in your life when you have to know who you are and to hell with those who hurt you or make you feel bad...especially ones who try and make you feel bad about yourself. Who needs that in their life? Not me...not anymore. Was that a bit cryptic? I think so. Bottom line is I'm very happy with me (cue cheesy "after-school special" music)...and that's one to grow on! I've also had an amazing time seeing my family while I've been here. We had a joint birthday party a few days ago; it was an early celebration for me, my cousins Sara and Dawn, and it was a late celebration for my cousin Kevin and some family friends. Whatever the reason, it was so amazing to see most of my family at once. Luckily I'll be back here in a few weeks for Thanksgiving and some other family stuff. Well kids, I'm going to try and get some sleep now. Hope you guys are smiling and, as always, thanks for your love and support. ...oh, and thanks to the folks at Lynn University; I had a blast the other night. (and for you pervs out there, I did a show at Lynn University, I didn't have a co-ed gang bang...although...)
11/3/08 I don't like to talk politics too much on my blog, but I don't think anyone here can argue that this election is one of the most important ones in a few generations. We're literally living through an historical moment, and we're completely aware of it. I mean other moments throughout history have only been realized as historical after the fact. ie: The Gettysburg Address, Hiroshima, the Boston Tea Party, etc. But every American (and most of the world) can see that this election means so much to the world at this very moment in history. And I am hoping and praying that Barack Obama wins. I'm not one of those people who want to start a religion based on his teachings or anything, but I do feel this country needs a swift change and a kick in the ass. And Barack looks like the guy to do it. I basically see this county as a big computer and right now we are crashing. Barack represents a "control-alt-delete"; a reboot of our country. A way to reformat us...by the way, I don't think I've ever sounded more geeky in my life. A relative of mine told us that she voted for McCain...why? Because Barack Obama's middle name is Hussain. That's it. That's the reason. Which really pisses me off because all that means that my vote for Obama is going to cancel hers. And for the stupidest reason possible. It's not like my vote cancelled out a hard-core McCain supporter who's opinion about McCain is rooted in politicial facts and ideals; the same way my vote for Obama is. No, my vote cancelled out a vote based on ignorance, stupidity and prejudice. As much as I love this relative of mine with all of my heart and soul (and this person is really one of the sweetest, most giving people I know), I'm REALLY pissed at them. Ok, enough of that. I'm in Florida right now, I'm visiting family and I have a college show this Wednesday. Should be fun. And this very second I'm in a Starbucks (shocker) doing some writing and checking email. But now I have to go to get some lunch with an old friend. So I bid you all adue. There's some other things on my mind right now, but I'm too tired to discuss them. Mental exhaustion is just as bad as physical, isn't it? Later. Oh, I meant to tell you this before, but if you don't know already, my cDs are available for download at iTunes AND Amazon...how cool is that!? PS-Right when I got done writing this blog, a pick up truck drove up to Starbucks with a big sign that said "McCain/Palin" and had a guy dressed up in a McCain mask waving. Attention getting? Sure. Ballsy. You betcha. Sincere and inspiring that someone has that much support for a candidate? I guess. But just a bit hilarious that someone thinking that dressing up in a McCain mask will sway any voters? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY! Just my opinion. :) Seriously, who's thinking: "You know, I really love Obama. Nothing will change my mind - Hey, it's a McCain mask! Well that changes everything!!!" And what's even more amazing is there is a woman who is talking to him and asking him questions...as if he's really McCain! AND THE GUY IS ANSWERING!!! |