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1/21/11 Greetings mahn! I'm blogging from the Bahamas...not the "vacation/resort/tropical drinks with bamboo umbrella" Bahamas; no. I'm at the "military base/shack housing/still nice weather but shitty housing" Bahamas. Still, it's really nice here. I'm tired though, we were up at 5:00 am to fly here from W. Palm Beach, FL., then we took a tour of the island and had a bite. So now me and the other comics are relaxing in our rooms for a bit, but I think we're going to explore soon. This is only my second military show, and compared to Iraq, this is much better...except the housing in Iraq was more stable. Ba-da-bing! Seriously folks...this is a'ight. My flight from LA to Florida yesterday was kinda shitty though. I was seated at the very back of the plane, so it was always crowded because people were standing in line constantly for the bathroom. Then I got some hot tea and a flight attendant knocked my arm causing me to spill it all over myself AND my iphone which was plugged into my portabel DVD/Ipod player. So I got it all wet. She appologized and if my iphone starts to fuck up, they will replace it. So far it's alright, but I have a feeling some liquid got into the connector at the bottom of the phone; not good. Oh, and right behind me were the bathrooms, and lucky for me, someone made a nice, big, stinky terd and the smell wafted over my way. Still, beats an office job. So now, like I said, we're just relaxing. I'm going to start working on my set for the shows. We have 3 of them. Two of them are regular comedy shows and I'm only doing 20 minutes; easy. The other one is a "family" show for kids, that should be interesting. It's only 15 minutes and I'm sure I can pull it off, it's just going to be a little more planning. Plus I'll have to dig into my old bag of jokes for cleaner ones. I don't think the one about Mary Poppins going down on The Mad Hatter will work. :) So I bid you a "good day mahn" as I go explore. Peace out!
1/19/11 I've had this wicked cough for over a week now. First I thought it was just a cold, but when it didn't let up, I went to the doctor yesterday. Fuck, it's more than a cold. So now I'm taking my medicine but also getting ready for Skippy's show at the UCB today. What a time to be sickly, huh? I'm trying to talk while coughing like a pig. But I'm excited about the show. I think it's going to run good with time; that's my biggest worry. So far I've run it twice and it's close, but still under time. I've added some more pictures to the powerpoint presentation, plus my buddy who did all the illustrations for Skippy's book just sent me the new pics, and they look great. So for those who have seen Skippy before, you're going to get some new shit. Then when I get home, I've got to pack up for my trip to the Bahamas tomorrow (military show) and then it's off to Florida to see my family, and then Ally comes in and we celebrate her's grandfather's 100th birthday! Can you believe that??? Just amazing. What the hell do you get a man who's 100? "Well sir, I know that you've pretty much seen...well...everything. But I figured you could use a gift certificate to Best Buy. Treat yourself to a DVD." I dunno. Just had a horrible coughing fit. Fucking hate this. Oh, there was also a big development that happened with Skippy. I can't talk about it now, but cross your fingers. :) OK, I'm going to finish working on the Skippy show and then head over to the theater for tech rehearsal. See ya later.
1/13/11 Yes...I GOT FUCKING ENGAGED!!!! It's so unreal and yet so perfect, ya know? I mean if you look back at so many of my early blogs, you'll read about how lonely I was, how in dispair about love that I've been. About how many times I got fucked over and how many nasty, angry blogs I wrote about it. And now...now I'm happy. Just plain happy. And since it's Allison, it's perfect. I'm sure you'll wondering how I did it, right? How did I pop the question. Well, it was probably one of the more awkward proposals ever. Basically I had this wonderfully simple proposal in mind. Just the two of us in our apartment, our song playing on the stereo and a sweet, from the heart, proposal. So I was setting all of this up while Ally was in the other room online. What I didn't know was that she was looking up stories about those birds dropping dead around the world. Yeah, not quite the best state of mind for a woman to be in before a proposal. Again, I didn't know. So I called her into the other room with my heart racing, she comes in whilst in the middle of a small anxiety attack; she's thinking the birds are a product of 2012 and that a major change is going to happen to the world. So there I am proposing, on one knee with a ring and she said, "Now!? You're doing this now!? Of course the answer is yes. A million times. But I'm in the wrong head space for this..." And then I feel like an idiot and I start freaking out, "Oh no, I fucked this up. I ruined the moment. Oh no...this is horrible." Like I said, awkward. Ally then says, "Let's do it again. Please." So she leaves, gets her head together and I call her back in. But I'll tell you something, it was perfect. We started laughing and I said, "OK. This time it's serious; no dead birds..." And we both realized that for something like that to happen is just perfect for us, because even when things go wrong, we're there for each other to laugh and just be there. And it just felt so right. So now, I have a fiance...not just a fiance, the fiance. The perfect woman. I couldn't be happier. Everything else in my life will follow suit with this happniness; I guarantee it. I just know that the love we have will start to radiate to everything else in our lives. Love is real people. It's out there and it will find you when you least expect it. Cliche, cliche, cliche; I know. I used to think that it was just bullshit too (again, read some past blogs), but I swear, it's real. I mean I literally found my other half. The one person I was meant to be with forever. The person who fulfills everything I ever wanted; EVER! She is it.
![]() Other than that, I'm just working hard to get people to come out to Skippy Greene's show at the UCB Theater next Wednesday. Come on by if you're in town; only $5. Seriously, I need the money, I've got a wedding to pay for. :) Talk to you later.
1/5/11 So kids, the new year is here and so far, so weird. Last night my dad had a really bad fall outside of the local indian casino. He busted up his chin a little and bruised himself. EMT showed up, I was trying to get him to go to the hospital, but he refused. Refused like a hooker refusing the midget to join in the gang bang for no charge. Or something like that. He says he's alright today, depsite the pain. Which makes no sense. "Oh, I'm fine...Ouch!" How the hell can you be fine and still be in pain Dad? He's walking around with a cane, but he's fine. You can't spell stuborn without "Stu"...which is my dad's name. Anyway... I'm excited, tomorrow I fly back to LA. It's been a month. I am missing Ally a lot. God I'm happy. OH, there's also a premiere party tomorrow night for Latino 101. I get in a little late, but I'm still going to go. It's all about networking. I heard from a producer that the network really liked Skippy, so I can't miss the party. And in case you don't know, Friday night at 9:00 PM, Latino 101's second season premieres, and Skippy will be on it. :) Along with the next 10 episodes! AND...for those in the LA area, on Jan. 19, Skippy will be doing an abridged version of "Skippy Greene's Big Show" at the UCB Theater at 6:30 PM. It's only $5.00, so seriously...can't complain about that, can you? Let's put it out there kids: THIS IS THE YEAR OF SKIPPY!!! Nothing much else to report. All the shows I've done this month have been great; much love to the folks in Miami, Marco Island and Atlanta. You guys were awesome. Well, I'm off. God, I wish I had more to blog about, but there's nothing. Shit, my life is boring right now. It's funny, if you read my blogs from years ago, it's long winded and dramatic. But that's when my life had drama and I had long winded episodes of self pity or self affirmations. Nowadays, there's no real drama and I'm very content with everything. It's great for me, but shitty for this blog. Then again, I'm blogging about lack of blogging, so that's still blogging none the less. Here's to hoping that the lack of drama continues. Bye.
1/1/11 My new years resolution is to blog a little more. Sorry for the lack of blogs in December. I'll be honest though, I'm pretty drunk now so I am not going to start this year with a long blog. Only to say thank you to the Punchline here in Atlanta, and all the great crowds that have come so far. Remember Atlanta friends, two more shows this weekend. Come on by. OK, I'm feeling myself start to ramble, so I'm off. Night and welcome 2011! ...God, it feels like only yesterday that it was 2010. I can only do that joke once a year; today's the day!