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Happy leap year everybody. And for those of you born on Feb. 29...sucks to be you. Sorry. Is that techincal or legal thing? I mean let's say that you're born Feb. 29, 1980; even though it's been 28 years are you "techincally" or "legally" (or both) only 7 years old? I'm sure there's an answer to that question, I'm just too lazy to look it up right now. Had a fun day, I spent some time at a dog park. It's the first time I've been to one and it was really cool. It's amazing to see the way dogs interact with each other. Not really too different from natural human behaviors. Like the big dogs seemed to be the ones who lead the packs, or who drew over the smaller dogs. I'm not saying that big people draw smaller people to them, but big people (as far as personality, charm, charisma, etc.) seem to draw smaller people (as far as personality, charm, charisma, etc.) And in case you're wondering, I feel that I fall somewhere in the middle of that. I actually felt small at the park. I was with someone who had a dog there and she was very talkative with the other dog owners. And I just kind of stayed quiet and observed. I didn't feel awkward or anything like that, I just felt that I didn't have anything to contribute to the talks (because I don't really know too much about dogs) and I really did enjoy watching all of the activity. I do miss having a dog. I've got cats now, which is fine for me now. You know since I travel so much and I live in an apartment with a roommate, cats are perfect. They're independent and can make due with smaller spaces. But when I am able to get a house for myself, I am sooo gonna get a dog. On my wall in my room I have a picture of my two old dogs, who have gone to doggy heaven...a moment of silence for my home-boys).....thank you. I just remember them fondly. It's really trite for a comedian to talk about how dogs and cats are different, so I won't get into the details. I mean those of you who have had one or both can attest to that. They're both good for either lounging around with or playing with. But you can't really take a cat to a park. Can you imagine a cat park? Just a bunch of cats in one tree and people huddled around it yelling, "Come on down here Mittens! Mommy's got some treats for ya." Nah, dogs are great in that you can takee them out to parks, you can really play with them. They lick your face. And granted, maybe it's for the salt on your skin, but I like to think there's some love behind those licks. By the way, I know how pervy that sounded. Well, I'm going to get ready to go. Skippy's on tonight at the Improv and I'm going to be trying a brand new Skippy bit. I'll actually post some of it...if it goes well. And let's be honest, it's Skippy, how can it not kill??? ....cut to me bombing horribly on stage. Fuck, I just jinxed myself. Way to go douchebag!!!
They already said they want Skippy back next Friday and the management said that they want to try Skippy on a Monday night. For those who don't know, Monday nights at the Improv is urban night. But to tell you the truth, I think Skippy would do extremely well with that crowd. I'm really excited. I know I've mentioned this several times on here, but it just amazes me that this little, stupid idea for a character that I thought of over 10 years ago has become this monster. I could go on but it would just be self-congratulating and there's enough of that in the world...not to mention on this site. Oh, on a different subject, I taped a new FliPod-cast that should be up in a few days. Dana Carvey makes an appearance (though I'm not sure if he knew that I was recording at the time) and so does Brad Williams. Plus you hear my set from that night, a recent Skippy set and the brand new Skippy song. (thanks again to Craig Carmean for composing the music. Alright kids, I'm off. Night! Viva Skippy and viva life! It's good sometimes. :)
Did a show tonight with Dana Carvey...holy shit! He's not only hilarious but soooo fucking cool. He is preparing for his new HBO special and working on some new jokes. So (as I sometimes do with comics I like and respect) I took some notes and jotted down some ideas. After the show I told him that I wrote some things down and he said, "Oh great, whatcha got?" Now normally some comics (especially ones of his status) might humor me and just say, "Oh thanks." Or they'll listen to my ideas and just shrug it off. But Dana actually listened, laughed and then elaborated on my ideas! How amazing is that??!! Tomorrow he said he'll try my ideas; I think that is soooo fucking cool. And if they actually work! Wow! It was just so surreal, I mean here is a guy who is a pop culture icon. This is a guy who I would imitate. (Church Lady, Garth, Regis, Johnny Carson, etc.) I would go see his movies; he was a childhood-comedic hero of mine, and now he's just sitting across from me, and listening to my ideas! Life is strange, isn't it? Well kids, I'm going to sign off now...dream time awaits. Night.
I think I figured out why I get really anxious when I'm back in Florida for an extended amount of time. Aside from the obvious reason, what gets to me is that I feel like a kid again. I'm back staying with my parents, sleeping in my old bedroom, I'm usually at the mercy of bumming a ride (or waiting for my mom to get home so I can use her car), etc. It just feels "off". I think to myself, "Wait a minute, didn't I do this already? Aren't I in my 30's now?" Does that make sense to you? Cause it sure as hell makes sense to me. On another note, my good friend Rob has been helping me out with a new Skippy project. I don't want to give it away just yet, but it's going to be really, really funny. Skippy's also going up like 4 times next week; I'm super psyched about that. And yes I said "super psyched"...I'm a product of the 80s, gimme a break, huh? In case you haven't listened yet, I uploaded my very first, official, FliPodcast. I recorded it when I was doing my show at Broward Community College last week. I think it turned out really well...especially since I did on a little voice recorder. I'm hoping it will become a regular thing for me. And then, who knows, I could move on to video ones. Ooo, and then subliminal ones...that'll be where I just think them directly into your brain! Yeah, the future is now fuckers! Sorry, didn't mean to get angry there. Well, I'm just finishing Scarface, so I'm gonna get going. Later "cacaroshes". Oh yeah, Happy Valentines Day!...yich! :)
Tonight was my show at BCC and it was great! Just fucking great! I can't thank the students and organizers enough. And I recorded my first official "FliPodcast" tonight. I am editing it now and should have it up within a day or two...which again won't likely matter since I still can't upload any of these blog entries. As for what was going on with my last few blogs, like I said in the previous entry's prolouge, I did what I had to do. And at first I felt bad about it; I felt like I did something wrong. Again, no details. But after talking to the same (incredible) friend I realized something about the situation. Something about myself really, and it made all of the difference. I can't really say exactly what it was, but I'll say this...it's a big weight lifted off of my shoulders. It's a realization that made a lot of things I've done in my life clearer. It's something about myself that I need to change. It's, for lack of a better term, opinion about myself that is painful and upsetting. You know, after reading all of that, I've made this thing out to be a monsterous trait. You guys are probably thinking, "Oh my god, what the fuck is wrong with this guy!? Does he have rickets??? Is he a cross-dresser? Did he get the rickets from wearing dresses?" Sorry, you'll never know. The important thing is that I feel good and confident, and isn't that all that matters? I think so too. Night kids.
So last night I truly had quite the epiphany about my situation...level 8 shit. Again, without going into detail I can say that things are suddenly clearer. I have a better view of myself and my life and it feels good. Real good. Last night I was tossing and turning while my mind ran a mile a second with different thoughts and solutions and just so many other things that I couldn't keep anything straight. I called a friend and just opened up about everything that I was thinking and this friend just listened and gave me real, heart felt and honest advice. Actually, I can't really call it advice, it was more like a complete emotional baptism. I know that sounds hokey and over-dramatic, but that's what it felt like. It was cleansing, it was refreshing and it was all true. I knew everything that she said was right, and I'm pretty sure I already knew it, but I guess I just needed to hear it from someone else. And since it was so late at night, I guess my mind was more receptive to these things. When we hung up, I just fell right to sleep because I just felt right. So today I am facing my self with a completely new attitude. My future is clear and my soul is calm. I think we all have these moments of clarity in our lives and it's important to keep them clear and remember what brought us here. I need to keep all of this in mind when things might go a little shitty. I also need to keep my friends very close to me. And you all know who you are. OK, so what else to report? Well I am SOOOOOOOOOO ready to get back to LA. I cannot wait. This Monday...4 days from now...I am on a plane baby! Saturday is my college show at BCC, which should be a blast, and then I pack Sunday; then Monday....Blam! Blam is the sound the plane makes when it takes off. Well that's the sound it makes in my head. Whatever the sound is, it'll be a glorious one as I leave here. As I've said before, I love Florida because it's where I'm from and my family and close friends are here...but LA's where I live now. My new life and friends are there, and I really need (and want) to get back there. Alright my friends, my laptop battery is about to die so I'm going to stop typing and shut'er down. Hey, that could be my catch phrase if I'm ever Flipper the Internet Guy. "Shut'er Down!" PROLOUGE: I'm writing this later on today...I did what I had to do tonight. It's the right thing, but it still feels wrong.
Seems things have been going wrong a lot lately. Little things, but things none the less. For example I broke my cel phone the other day which sucks royally, but I did have the insurace (always a smart move kiddies) and with a deductible....wait a second.... OK, I just checked the tmobile website and I noticed that the phone that I reordered is LESS expensive on the website! I don't know if it's that expensive if you're a new customer or what, but I want to find out. So I'm on the phone with them now...well, on hold with them now. I hope that's the reason because if they're charging me that much for no good reason, I'll be one angry Jew baby! Not "Jew baby", but Jew, baby. I was right. If you are a new customer you get that discount (but you also have to pay an activation fee and that makes it more expensive) so I did get a good deal. Whew! Back to the original thought here...my days have been a little off kilter. Just that, my website shit and a general feeling of "blah". I know it has a lot to do with wanting to get back to LA. I'm sooo fucking ready. I'm sick of my old bedroom. I'm sick of Florida (even though the weather's been really nice) and I'm sick of being away from my life out there. I'm also so fucking bored here. I don't really have a lot of people to hang out with while I'm here, so I get kinda nutsy. And there is other shit too, but alas, you don't get to know about it. I did have something happen to me tonight. I was out with someone and it was fine. We were having nice conversation and it was a generally nice time. But I think it ended on an awkward note. I could be wrong, but it felt that way. And, per usual, it seemed to be my fault. Fuck, I'm so damned over analytical. We all have that weird feeling in our gut when something goes wrong, or when we feel we did something wrong, or even when we feel that things might go wrong. And sometimes it's good to ignore that feeling (maybe times like these when we're a little too analytical) and other times it's bad to ignore them (when it's about a relationship and we just know something isn't right). But tonight my gut is slightly askew in thinking these things and I hate that feeling. Then again, I just may be blowing it all out of proportion because of my general feeling of blasie. Either way it's unsettling. You know, it's times like these that I remember what Orny Adams said in the movie Comedian. He found out he had been accepted into the Montreal Comedy Festival, and was excited and then quickly turned to depressed, and then he said something along the lines of, "There is a woman out there who is going to end up with me. I feel so bad for her". I'm kinda feeling that vibe tonight. Not that I'm self-loathing or anything, just that my moods are so confusing to me I can't imagine what they're going to do to a woman. But...what if my mood swings are being caused because I don't have a woman??? Ooo, how zen of me. Well my little bloggers, I am running out of steam, so I'm going to sign off. Again, who knows what date this thing will actually be posted, but let's just hope that by that date I'll have all of my problems licked. :) Night.
I am in a weird, fucked up kinda mood now. Level 8 stuff, but it's all just a mixture of frustration and confusion. Oh, not to mention a huge chunk of deja vu. I've soooo been here before. Have you ever been stuck in an emotional vicious cycle? You know, like you repeat your emotional responses, actions, everything and it always ends up the same way? Shitty. I'm in the middle of that now and one would think after having been in these places before (emotionally speaking) I'd know better and just stop it. I need to stop it. You'd stop it, right? Right. Shit, I'm tired, let's hope when I wake up tomorrow I'll have those...uh...whatchamacallits?....Balls! Yeah, balls! Night.