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2/22/07 Greetings all. Sorry for the lack of blogs as of late; I've been sick. There's something going around and I caught it big time. I did a show at the Hardrock Improv tonight and it was fantastic; I did an hour! Not that I haven't done that before, but it always feels amazing when I do. And the crowd was just great, thanks to all who showed up. I have one more show this Sunday, so come on by if you're in the area, and get in free with the JEWPON! My parents internet is down, so I'm using dial up and it sucks royally. I feel so stupid. Like the fact that the internet even exists is amazing and now that I have to use dial up to get on this world wide highway of communication and information as opposed to DSL, I'm complaining. Just shut up Flip and enjoy the internet for all it's worth. It's weird, when I was a kid there was no internet and the kids today have had it their whole lives. I wonder what they're going to say in thirty years about what thier kids have. "When I was a kid, we only had the internet, not this whole mental telepathy crap. I just can't understand how to use it." Oh well, I'm tired and I have a big audition tomorrow, wish me luck. Night.
2/13/07 I did some more tax stuff today. I am getting so anal about it this year since I think I made more this year than any previous year...which is not much on the grand scheme of things, but it's still pretty cool. When I get back from Florida in March, I am going to file'em. Some people are using that Turbo Tax thing, I just hand it all off to an accountant and then write that off for the next year. Hehehehehe. Work is steady, but I'm feeling kinda stuck in other aspects. I know I'm ready for the next level and I'm getting itchy to get there. Now, I'm not trying to sound egocentric (as I've said many times in this blog'o'mine), it's just that at a certain point in anyone's career, you know you're ready for advancment; and I'm ready for mine. I just need that one good audition. But I haven't been on one in...well, seems like forever, over a year, that's for sure. I need to talk to my "people", make sure they know I'm alive. I'm also thinking of just doing something radical; something grass roots. Something to put me on the map creatively. I have some small ideas, but who knows, they might become gigantic-huge-monstorous-gargantuan ideas! ATTACK OF THE BRILLIANT IDEA! That will be the name of my idea. I can see it now!!! And now it's gone. I dunno, I guess we'll just see what happens. See that's my problem, when things start to roll a bit, like with my bookings building up now and all, I kinda rest a bit. I need to keep pushing, keeping forcing myself to get there. I mean hell, I have proven to myself that hard work and tenacity will get me what I want. So why don't I just keep pushing through the level that I'm at now? Why? I don't know. I need to just do it baby! Just do it. I guess I should say something about the big VD...no, not my case of herpies, but something just as upsetting, Valentines Day. Tomorrow...woo...hoo. "Bitter, table of one." Nah, not really bitter as much as indifferent to it. Don't get me wrong, I do consider myself a romantic, it's just that as of today, there is no where to place it. And before I start getting emails such as "I'll be your Valentine" or "You can place it right here baby!", I'm not fishing for sympathy or love. I'm just stating where I am right now. Does the horizon show anything promising? One never knows...but I like to live for the day I'm in and try not to think too much about tomorrow...except when it comes to my career. A bit hypocritical, I know...but then again, I'm a hypocrite. Tonight I'm going to a friends place to do his podcast, so my career might get a slight boost from that, who knows. I know in the grand scheme of things, my life is nothing difficult and I should be grateful for everything that I have. Trust me, I am. But I only know my life, so I really only have my life to judge from...and my life is great, but I know it could be better. So my dear bloggies, what is the point to this? I don't know...I just don't know. But I guess I can sum it up with this:
2/8/07 That's one of the barometers I have for success; if the guys that I looked up to or who were like mentors to me when I started now treat me as equals, that shows that I have made it to a successful level. Guys like Jimmy Shubert, Danny Bevins, those guys are not only my friends now, but my contemporaries. What else to report? Well, last night I did a gig with Jamie Kennedy and had a great time. I'll tell ya, he's really been very cool to me. Bringing me on gigs with him and I've been helping him write some stuff, it's really cool. I was flipping through the channels today and Son of the Mask was on, out of curiosity I started watching it...and I almost made it through the whole thing. ZA-ZING!!! In all seriousness, he's a really cool guy, and underrated as a performer, in my humble opinion. This week has been a busy week for shows, I've gone up 3 nights in a row and getting some money for'em as well. Got a gig tomorrow night at the "Broke Ass Cantina!"...obviously a mecca for comedy. :) Should be fun; I like those kind of gigs where you have to earn a laugh, as opposed to a club where they're there for the laugh. I go back to Florida in a week and I'll be there for 3 weeks...I just can't get enough of that place. So, on a really unrelated issue; Anna Nicole Smith. I mean it's tragic when anyone dies and I'm sure that her family is grieving terribly...but I didn't know someone could literally die from embarrassment. Too soon? OK. Rest in peace my dear. She actually died at the Hotel where the Improv is in Ft. Lauderdale. I wonder if they'll make it a tourist thing...or what if her ghost just roams the halls of the hotel now. Like you're trying to sleep and you hear, "Oooo....trim spa...Ooooo". OK, OK, I'll shut up now. Night.
2/4/07 I'll tell you this, the process of doing what I've been doing is really cool. It's very creatively fulfilling...oh, I want to tell you, but I can't. I'm sorry. I'm just a firm believer in jinxing things. I've always felt that if you over think things, or count too much on things, that you're more prone for dissapointment. I'd rather keep the status quo and be a little excited on my own. But if the thing turns out to be real, I'm jumping for joy so everyone can see. Well, it's late and I have an appointment tomorrow morning that has to do with...the something. OK, that's the last I'll say about it...until it's 100%. Just keep sending those positive vibes my friends. Thanks.