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4/23/10 It's a lovely, snowy day here in Anchorage and I'm sitting on my ass in my hotel room. Not complaining, just relaxing. so far the week has been great. The shows were really fun, and the crowds have been fantastic. Much love to you guys. I'm watching Alive; never saw it before. Such an insane story, especially since it's a true story. I guess I could do it if I was pushed to that limit. By "do it", I mean make a movie with Ethan Hawke. Just kidding. But I guess I could eat a dead body if I was desperate enough...and if I was really desperate, I could eat a live body. I'm feeling a bit lazy now, I think I'll go down to the workout room and do some cardio; just something to get my blood pumping.
4/19/10 I've watched two movies and I'm now sitting at Starbucks while my DVD player recharges adn I kill another 45 minutes before boarding my plane. I wouldn't mind right now expect that I really have to go to the bathroom, but I don't want to move from where I am because I'm perfectly set up. My computer and DVD are charging and I'm really comfortable. LOL. How insane is that? My bladder is about to explode, but I'd rather suffer because my DVD player isn't done charging. Fuck me, I'm weird. Shit, you know what? I'm gonna go, I can't take this anymore. I'll be back... WHAT A RELIEF!!! Had me a nice release. I'm now at my gate, found an outlet and am charging my DVD player. I only have about 25 more minutes before boarding, so let's hope that the charge it has will be enough to last the flight. Shouldn't be a problem. I'm looking forward to working Alaska; it's been 2 years since I've been there. Koots is always a fun time and good crowds...although, there are the rare exceptions, like this moment that happened at Koots a few years back. There's always one. I don't have a show until tomorrow night, so I don't have to worry about performing right when I land. Obviously I prefer that. Well, now Ally is online so we're going to Skype a bit before I board...so I bid you adue, and a don't, and a maybe.
4/15/10 For whatever reason, I can't get to sleep early when I know I have to be up early. Last night I thought I was all good. Ally & I watched some TV, had dinner and I took something to knock me out and I was heading toward dream land by 9:00 last night...having to be up at 4:30 this morning. ...but... As the night went on, my body suddenly stopped being tired and started being restless; no doubt due mostly to my over-stimulated mind which can never seem to shut the fuck up until 2:00 am or so. Needless to say, I got maybe 2-3 hours of sleep last night (while still on some sleep aid) and an hour or two on the plane ride here. PLUS, I'm still getting over being sick so my sinus's were clogged and nothing feels as good as being on a de-pressurized plane and actually hearing your sinus's clog in your skull. Seriously freaky. Alright, well I'm going to get my ass (and other body parts) out of bed and ready for my showcase. Wish me luck...
4/12/10 I'm just getting ready to fly back to LA; luckily I got a later flight so I slept in a bit. In other words, I'm not feeling sick. I feel so good in fact that I upgraded to first class. Aw yeah... What sucks (or is very exciting, depending on my mood) is that I have to fly out again on Thursday morning...very early in the morning. A 6:35 AM flight...can we say "oy"? But I'm only going to be gone for less than a day. ...don't know what that would have to do with an early flight. My god, I'm just all over the place this morning, aren't I? Hey, quick change of subject, I just thought of the following tweet: #biblicalmusicalacts: THE JONAH BROTHERS, GUNS 'N' MOSES, SNOOP GODDY GOD, MYRRH-ROON 5, PETER, PAUL & THE OTHER 10 and MADONNA I thought it was funny & clever. ;) Anyway, I'm going to get ready to board. See ya back in Lala-Land.
4/11/10 Wow, what a shitty way to start a blog. Last night was interesting. It started with an amazing show. That first audience was terrific right from the moment I hit the stage. The crowd work I did was fun and I really clicked with them. Jamie went up and killed as well; seriously it was the best show of the week for me. After the show we both sold a lot of merch and I was feeling really good. In between the shows, Jamie and I had a discussion that got me thinking really hard about myself and my career. Well I started to get really in my head about a lot of things and before I knew it, I was freaking myself out. See one of my problems is that I tend to blow things out of proportion and get really over-dramatic. I believe that stems from growing up on 80s TV and movies. (I think I blogged about this before) But anyways, that era of entertainment was drenched in over-dramatic themes, words and music, and it kind of stuck with me. I sometimes see life as an 80's movie. It's a little fucked up. So I'm freaking out a little and then they manager tells me it's time to start the second show. Needless to say, I was not in the head space for it. I hit the stage in a daze, tried doing some crowd work, but I picked a guy who really gave me nothing to work with. Now, if I was in my regular performing "zone", I would've realized that he was a dead end and moved on. But instead I kept harping on him in the hopes that I'd get a big laugh and end it. But the laugh never came, so I awkwardly stopped. And it got progressively worse. Don't get me wrong, I did get some laughs here and there, but compared the first show, it was a HUGE let down. Jamie even called me out on it. So I was just in a bad, bad place last night for the second show. And to that audience, I appologize for being off my game. OK, moping time is over. Man, I really want to go out, but it's so shitty now. I feel like I should be pressing my face against my window and thinking about some long, lost love of mine. SEE, that was an 80's movie moment. Damn you "Last American Virgin"!
4/10/10 I feel so refreshed now. The last couple of days I have been walking around in a daze of exhaustion. I've woken up so early (after getting such little sleep) so I can fly to different cities. But this weekend, I'm working a few days here in San Francisco, so I can relax and sleep in...which I did today. :) So anyways, I'm in San Fran now working with Jamie at Cobbs Comedy Club this weekend. It's a weird room; much different from LA. The crowds start out much quietier and, forgive me Cobb's audience, much tighter. They seem unwilling to laugh collectively at first. It was like chipping away at a stone for awhile until finally creating something with shape. Is that a weird analogy? Sorry, that's what came to my mind first. They eventually came together, but like I said, it was work. Usually when I play clubs like the Improvs, the show starts out with some video previews of upcoming shows and there is music and the announcer works the crowd into a good frenzied mood. At this club, however, the lights just dim, there are a few announcemnts (without any music) and then they just introduce me. It kinda feels like a jazz club more than a comedy club. Very laid back and relaxed attitude...which is different and a fun challenge. So I'm pretty much going against all of my instincts that I've developed as an opening act. As opposed to being high energy and riding their initial energy, I'm going up with no energy and building them up with me. Like I said, it's a challenge, but one that I'm welcoming. Good news is that the Kanye Shirts are selling well. Oh, on a completely different and solemn note, my thoughts are with Poland as they mourn the death of their President. I'll be honest, I don't know shit about Poland and their politics, but a tragedy is a tragedy. God, could you imagine if that happened to Obama? This country would be beyond devastated. It would be a whole new generations' Kennedy. Plus the country is not only in mourning and shock, but the government is going to be scrambling to keep order. Such a mind fuck. Don't know where that came from, I think it's because it's all over the news now. I want to go out and explore a bit, but it's so nasty now that I'm afraid I'm going to be caught in some rain or something. It's that kind of day. It just feels like the skies are going to open up any second now and pour. Like the way a person feels before they sneeze...or have an orgasm. Either way someone's getting wet. Ha! I think I just wrote a new Skippy joke. I did have some breakfast with Jamie and then walked along the wharf, but I've been there before, so it wasn't too thrilling this time. Last time was with Ally; it's nice when you have someone you love with you. Oh boy, getting sappy. I can't help it, I'm deeply in love. More deeply than I've ever been. This is the kind of love that you really only read about in Nicholas Sparks novels and you think, "Well, that's a nice story, but it's not real." I'm here to tell you, it's real. It's out there and it's amazing. It's the kind of feeling that if I got my arms ripped off by a shark my first thought would be: Well, I don't have arms, but I still have Ally. My second thought, however, would be: OWWW! MY FUCKING ARMS ARE GONE!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! Third thought: How the hell can I jerk off now??? And so on...but first thought would be about Ally. Well I think I'm going to pop in a DVD and chill out for a bit. Afterwards I'll see what the weather's like and maybe get some air. Peace.
4/8/10 Luckily I'm flying out of Burbank, not LAX. It was easier to check in, not to mention a quicker drive from where I live now. So I'm on my way to meet up with Jamie for a college show tonight and then a weekend in San Francisco. Should be a blast. Crap, boarding now. OK, so now I'm on my layover in Dallas. I actually deplaned (even though there was no plane change) just to eat and charge up my DVD player. I watched one of my favorite childhood movies, The Muppets Take Manhatten. Such a great, fun, uplifting movie. I really enjoyed watching it again. So just doing my charging and then it's off to St. Louis. It feels good to be traveling again, just wish I didn't feel shitty while doing it. But I'm almost there and then I can rest a bit before the show. Alright, going to get some food and re-board. Later
4/6/10 Eh...no one appreciates a good pun anymore. Oh crap, we're boarding. I'll try to write on the layover.
4/3/10 I'm sitting in my parents' house now, with my mom, brother and (incredibly beautiful) niece. It's been so amazing to be back here, I can't believe how much I've missed everyone. And Lily (my niece) has grown sooooo much, and developed such an amazing personality. Check her out with her uncle:
![]() So right now we're watching Solitary; what a fucked up show. If you don't know what it is, it's a reality show where 9 people are kept in isolation and forced to do intense mental, physical and emotional...well, torture. They are deprived on sleep, food, made to spend hours on end in physical pain. I mean, such a fucked up thing to do...but so entertaining to watch. I gotta think the producers/creators of this show are really into S & M shit. "Hey, let's see how long someone can do squats for?" A guy did it for almost 2 hours, not consecutively, but still...OUCH!!! Anyway, we're about to have a little late night gathering for family and some friends. Basically, they're coming to meet Ally & her mom. That's right, she's meeting the whole family. Big step, I know. Talk to you later...gotta finishing watching Solitary.